June 15th, 2011

The Pro’s and Con’s of Summer Break

Karrie McAllister

PRO: Not having to get up before the sun every morning to be the world’s sleepiest PBJ slinger and pack lunches.
CON: Having to play short order cook for three kids every day at noon.

PRO: No more book bags clogging up the hallway!
CON: Hallway is now clogged with flip flops, hats, balls, muddy socks, and who strung a full-length jump rope around the kitchen table?!?

PRO: Staying up late so we can watch a late movie or have a campfire.
CON: No good reason to send them all to bed early so I have a chance to regain my sanity.

PRO: Being the number one teacher and influence on my children for a few months.
CON: Not being able to send them to detention with the classic mean lady who always dresses in large floral patterns and smells like sauerkraut.

PRO: Going on a beach vacation!
CON: Driving to the beach, trapped like a prisoner in a car for hours on end with a constant hum of pestering coming from the backseat.

PRO: Catching lightning bugs, butterflies, worms, etc.
CON: Dumping out jars of dead lightning bugs, butterflies, worms, etc.

PRO: Sleeping in.
CON: Having to wake up before my kids to make some coffee so they aren’t asking to have friends over until I’ve had at least two cups.

PRO: Enjoying time alone with my three wonderful kids.
CON: Enjoying time alone with my three wonderful kids.

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This Weeks Tip

Need to remove chewing gum off of skin? (Dont’ even ask why we had to learn this trick!) Try Peanut Butter. Does the trick, and the kids think it’s hilarious. (note: if allergies are an issue, we would guess that Soy Butter or Sun Butter would work just as well,—though we haven’t attempted this in our test kitchen yet. And *hopefully* we won’t have another occasion to.)