Dear Readers… I’ve been dreading having this conversation with you for a while now. I keep trying to start it and then convince myself that everything is ok and I can put it off until a later date. Unlike the ‘birds and the bees’ convo that’s forthcoming in my house— this one doesn’t come with handbooks and cute illustrations. So here goes… It’s not you, it’s me. Really. You have been amazing. Loyal fans and readers. Clicking on our (...Read More)
Princess and the Protesters

Picture it: a mob of angry protesters gathered around a construction site, chanting at the workers who try to go on about their business. Security guards stand poised to intervene if necessary, asking protesters to back up and not touch the gate. The group’s leader presents one of the workers with a petition. Then, as if by magic, a bell rings and the protesters disperse. Recess is over and it’s time to go back to class. This was the scene (...Read More)
Used To Be Super-Mom

Lately I have been posting a lot about losing my mind. I wish I could do a post for you with tips for inexpensive Halloween costumes or tricks for getting toddlers to eat their veggies but from here at the intersection of Fried and Frazzled, I can only offer an exasperated sigh and run my fingers through my long overdue for a deep conditioning hair. I’m running on empty. Sun-Bun started kindergarten in August and for the first month I (...Read More)
Dear Hormones…

Dear Hormones… There’s a major disconnect between you, my brain and my body. I’m talking about a Chernobyl meltdown caliber of dysfunction. Can we talk about the number seven? Seven is an interesting number. It’s a pretty small quantity if we’re talking about how many spoons might reside in a kitchen, but it’s an overwhelmingly large number when applied to children in a family. Seven is huge. We only have five at home now, but the nest is by no (...Read More)
Insanity Jam Session

We were driving home from the beach when 4 year old Luke lost it. By “lost it,” I mean, overtired-middle-child-syndrome-broken-record-insane-chanting lost it. We were listening to children’s music in the car, and I guess Luke wanted it to be a little louder. From the back of the car I heard, “Mama, I can’t hear.” But, when I directly addressed his complaint by turning up the music to a volume level a few notches lower than Will Definitely Deafen You, he (...Read More)
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