Ecostore Products
- Household Products: Ecostore Products
- Reviewer: Angie
- Rating:
As it turns out, I lean toward natural home and cleaning products.
Oh, I used to be a bleach and ammonia girl—blasting every countertop spot and refrigerator smudge with chemicals. It worked. It was relatively cheap. And I could get the products at my local supermarket.
But something happened in the last few years. The smell of the harsh cleaners started making me feel ill. I began thinking more and more about the environment and what those chemicals were doing to my backyard, to animals, to the ocean I live so close to. And then I had kids and grew concerned about exposing them to such toxins at young ages.
I started buying soaps and cleaners with more natural ingredients like sandalwood, lavender and lemon.
And now I would consider myself somewhat of a convert. I’ll pull out the heavy artillery for a particularly stubborn stain, but, for the most part, I stick to greener products.
Which was why I decided to try Ecostore’s offerings. Ecostore says its purpose is to create a healthy, sustainable world. It’s motto “No nasty chemicals” is right up my alley. All their products are wrapped in charming black and white photography. I wanted to like Ecostore’s line based on their artistic packaging alone.
Lemongrass soap was my first foray into Ecostore’s world. I love it. It’s silky and freshly-scented. The bar has rounded edges, which allows it to twirl easily in my hands. And, best of all, it doesn’t irritate my skin like most mass market soaps.
Next I gave the Naturally Antibacterial Spray Cleaner a whirl. At $9.00 a bottle, it’s a little rich for my blood. Ecostore addresses this high price point by stating that their products are so concentrated and free of fillers and bulking agents, that less is needed to do the job.
It works fine. It didn’t clean noticeably better than cheaper natural products like Method or Trader Joes Sandalwood and Sage spray cleaner, but then, I have no idea how those products are made and if they are as free of synthetics as Ecostore’s claim to be.
Bottom line: if you have the money and buying natural, organic products for home and body are important to you, check out Ecostore. They can be found in Meijer stores throughout the Midwest and online at
Note: This item was provided by the manufacturer to our writer at no cost, but with no obligation for a positive review. For more information on Momicillin’s “no pay for play” policy, please see our Terms and Conditions.