This past weekend, 38 communities in the Boston metropolitan areas were hit with a boil water advisory. The reason is too complicated to explain, but the outcome was a full out “aquapocolypse”. You couldn’t drink or brush your teeth with the water, but you could bathe and put out fires with it. That’s refreshingly straightforward, right? Not for this mom, who lives comfortably in her suburb, where she is relatively unscathed by natural disasters. The call came in while I (...Read More)

About Laura
If you had told Laura that she would become a first time mom at 41, say back in her "spirited 20s", she would have said "That sounds about right. I've got too much to do until then." Well, she didn't really, and it wasn't exactly by choice. Seven years of fertility treatments later, it all seemed to make sense. And with the words, "let's adopt," the adventure really began. When her daughter ("Spicy Girl" b.2007) was placed in her arms at 11 months old, in a city half-way around the world, the idea of motherhood became the reality of "what the hell am I doing?" All at once, life at home became a constant sociological experiment of nature vs. nurture. "Honestly, honey, I didn't teach her how to do a forward roll at 20 months ... I couldn't do one when I was 20 years old. It must be her hard-wiring." In her daytime away from mom-hood, she works as a higher education administrator where she does her best not to parent 18 to 22 year-olds.Getting it Perfect is Overrated
I have decided that, while perfection was something I once strived for, now being marginal is about all I can muster. It seems that regardless of how hard I try, I’m going to continue to make the same mistakes, and I need to just get used to them and all the clean-up that goes with it. So now, in what I am considering a public service, I am going to put some of my more recent failings on the line, (...Read More)
Charm School This is Not
There are times where one must leave the hubby in charge. But, inevitably that means that some learned behavior is going to have to be eradicated. Spicy Girls love of Farmville was the result of an afternoon with Daddy when Mommy went to get a mani-pedi. Her ability to sing the latest Lady Gaga tune came after a Saturday morning drive with Daddy listening to the latest pop music count down in between errands. These may not seem like (...Read More)
I Really Hope It Wasn’t Something I Said
Spicy Girl could talk a dog off of a meat truck. She talks. All of the time. She talks to her “guys” (her various stuffed animals, dolls and figurines), and propels them through adventures that involve running, swimming and climbing. She talks to herself as she plays in her room narrating her way through diapering her babies or walking her puppies. She talks as she … well, you get the picture. While I am known for my own ability to (...Read More)
Oh That? She’s Been Doing That For-ev-er
The hubby and I like a good laugh, especially at someone else’s expense. Spicy Girl has been a bit of a peanut since we brought her home from China. We’ve been asked several times if she was premature. “Don’t know, she was left with no information at an Orphanage in rural China.” What did her mother tell you about her? “Don’t know, she was left with no information at an Orphanage in rural China.” What was her birth weight? “Don’t know (...Read More)
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