Archive | June, 2012



In Arizona, like much of the Southwest, summer time is hot. Not hot like “oh wow, it’s really warm today,” we are talking blazing hot. Surface of the sun hot. Forget frying an egg on the sidewalk hot, think more like egg evaporating before it hits the ground hot. When Sun-Bun and Pookie were babies and before I returned to work, I would escape the brutal surface-of-the-sun-hot months by retreating to my parent’s home in Canada, where I gladly swapped (...Read More)


Linda and the No Good, Puffy, Cranky and Very Hormonal Day


Note: This post was inspired by Judith Viorst’s book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, one of my favorites . . . since college. This morning, I woke up and the laundry was piled something like up to the sky and I tried to find my favorite panties that don’t do that crawly thing but they were already mixed in with all of the other ugly underwear, so I had to wear my granny panties, and (...Read More)


The Great Motherhood Experiment


If there’s one thing I can count on from 17-year old Pockets, it’s brutal honesty. This is the kid who, as a kindergartener, told me, “Mom, it kind of freaks me out when you dress us in matching Star Wars shirts.” He may have had a point, there. I was 19 when I birthed this amazing human being. I grew up alongside him, ditching all the parenting books I collected before he was born, and letting my child lead me (...Read More)


Giving Summer Camp a Whole New Meaning


It’s the time of year when kids are getting out of school and Moms across the country are answering to the collective whine of “I’m bored.” As tempting as it is to let their brains melt in front of the television for the next several weeks, it’s a disservice to all those fights over homework. So you try to find something for the kids to do. How about camp? Camp sounds fun. Hmm… let’s see, there is Sports Camp, Dance (...Read More)


My son graduates high school next week. Probably time to do something about that weight I gained from pregnancy…
