July 27th, 2009

Burt’s Bees Lip Shimmer

I’m one of those women who, like Max Factor said, feel undressed if I go out in public without lipstick. When I’m rushed, I just dash on some lip goo and go: it’s my “3-second face.” I may not have eyebrows (I’m very fair and looked like a shaved albino without a little judicious use of eyebrow pencil), I may not have cheekbones, but at least I’ve got my lips on! In summer I want something lighter than the creamy lipsticks of winter, and Burt Bee’s Lip Shimmer is my current favorite. It’s basically a tinted lip balm, sheer with just a hint of shine. It doesn’t have a lot of staying power, but to me that’s okay. I like to reapply, and have yet to find a “long-lasting” lipstick that doesn’t feel dry. Burt Bee’s also makes a lip gloss which I haven’t tried; I’ll leave that to the younger set.

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This Weeks Tip

You know that nice bottle of wine that you just didn’t quite finish? The one that sits in the fridge for days (ok, weeks) and stares back at you longingly every time you open the door, saying “Don’t waste me.” Well, you don’t have to waste it! Poor it into an ice cube tray and freeze it. Store the frozen cubes in a ziploc bag, then pull them out when you have a recipe that calls for wine. A standard cube is equal to 2 fluid ozs.