January 17th, 2010

The Encyclopedia of Immaturity

I have often, as of late, bemoaned the speed at which the Monkey is growing up. Fortunately, he received for his birthday a gift that I think will significantly slow the process, and just might be his favorite gift ever: The Encyclopedia of Immaturity.

Imagine taking all of the iconic traits of childhood and compressing them into an entertaining, illustrated how-to guide. This whimsical collection of hundreds (407 to be exact) of facts, tips, guides, jokes and puzzles has the ability to inspire a fit of giggles even in the most stoic and serious of people. This is a book for families with a sense of humor; there’s plenty here to gross you out – how to fake a sneeze, pretend to crack your neck and make a barfkin (this would be a pumpkin that looks like it’s throwing up). But don’t mistake immaturity with rude; you can also learn how to juggle, pop a wheelie, play chopsticks and construct that all important childhood oracle – the cootie catcher. There hasn’t been a day since the Monkey received this gift that I haven’t seen it in his hands. Want to know the world’s best knock-knock joke? The top ten facts of all time? How to have a marshmallow death match? It’s all in there.

The Encyclopedia of Immaturity was compiled by the good people at Klutz, whose kits and books are colorfully illustrated and written in entertaining and concise language. I wouldn’t dare to philosophize too much about a publication that includes such gems as “How to snort out a rubber band”, but I think this book reclaims some of the playfulness that can easily get lost in the shuffle of practices, rehearsals and school work. Both the young and the young at heart will appreciate the reminders of our childhood favorites while picking up plenty of new gags to keep us laughing well into old age.

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This Weeks Tip

Leave the beach at the beach

Kids covered from head to toe in sticky sand? Reach in your diaper bag for the Baby Powder, give them a good shake-down (with the powder, that is) and “Poof!” they’ll be clean as a whistle (and smelling powder fresh to boot!)