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Here is Another Post Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed est ipsum. Sed dictum mattis odio quis suscipit. Cras dictum imperdiet porta. Aliquam rhoncus faucibus augue, mattis porta leo placerat a. Fusce cursus consequat ligula nec fermentum. Nam volutpat lacinia justo consequat gravida. Aenean tincidunt ligula urna. Maecenas quis est et mauris scelerisque dignissim. Nam mattis ante sit amet lorem bibendum pretium. Quisque et nibh dui. Suspendisse id eros elit, sit amet accumsan elit. Donec convallis odio congue nulla venenatis vel vehicula erat auctor. Nunc pretium eros a sem eleifend [...]

Baring It All (in Public)

The other day Caveman and I were in the waiting area of a kids’ gymnastics place, waiting as Princess learned to balance and tumble. Fortunately, one of our friends in the class has a younger sibling Caveman’s age, lets call her Blondie, so the two of them wreak havoc in the waiting area, rearranging chairs into spaceships and running around like maniacs, while we wait for the hour-long class to be over. If the gym employees mind, they don’t say anything. Caveman and Blondie announced they wanted to play “Penguins [...]

Post Title Goes Here

In the day-to-day grind of child-rearing, it’s easy to lose sight of the magic of our kids. I mean, between the whining and the fighting and whining while fighting and crayon-on-the-wall and weird rashes and OH LORD WHO’S CLEANING THAT MESS UP, I forget the magic. Magic: Poof. Gone. But then, just when I need it the most, comes a moment. This time, the magic came from Baby Emile. Although, can I even call him a baby anymore? I guess he’ll always be our baby (Please, Lord, no more ninja baby surprises,  kthxbye), [...]